Part 56: Luc Village 1
Welcome back!
Before we can do much in Luc Village, we have to go talk to the Chief.
So, after twenty minutes of talking to everyone in town....

: However, I must ask you to stay only a short while in this village. After all, we're peace-loving people.

: What do you mean? You want us to leave?

: I wouldn't go as far as to ask that but... this is hard to say. It's just....

: Hasn't this village been visited by others besides us? Do you tell everyone to leave?

: No, that's not it, either. It's just that... to stay here, you must receive the blessing of the God of Light.

: So that's it?! In that case, tell us how we can get this blessing. What do you say, Chief?

: All right, I will tell you. The God of Light, who protects us, lives at the top of a mountain behind this village. Go there and bring back the bottle of nectar that is in front of the statue. That is how outsiders can come to be regarded as members of this village. The truth is that I wish not to disturb the peace in this village. But you rescued Rem, so I have no choice.
I swear, it feels like I've done this dungeon about three times more than the others.
It's mostly made of straight paths that branch off from one or two points, so even I can navigate it.

The enemies are also all new and are (more or less) worth discussing.
Starting with these guys. Nowhere near as beefy as the Beetle Bugs from the herb mountains, thankfully.
As might be expected, Feena's knife-based skills can't be used with a whip. Likewise, her whip skills can't be used with knives.
For reference, Sue's Round Whacker can only be used with maces. All of Justin's techs are weapon-independent.
Anyway, Paralyze Whip does exactly what it says. Deals damage with a chance of paralysis to one enemy.
Pit Vipers here can paralyze, but not poison.
Finally, we've got Tarantulas. They hit a bit harder than the other monsters, but nothing too bad.
They can also web a target, debuffing their movement by two levels and applying Move Block, which makes skills unable to be used.
Otherwise, this dungeon is pretty short.
Although even the peak area has side paths with some treasure. Got a resurrection potion there.
And a new whip sitting on the main path.

You have merely adopted the mist. I was born in it.
The second side path, though, is a bit more interesting.
The gem there is a pretty useful accessory. The thing in the treasure chest is a little... different. We'll get to that later.
Huh. That statue looks... interesting.

: Our goal is the End of the World. It'd be hard for us if we get kicked out of Luc Village now.

: OK, let's take it!
And so we take the nectar.
Of course it's an item that goes in the inventory and has its own description. Anyway, with our business at the peak done, it's time to go back down the mountain again.
The thing we got in the chest is a Bond of Trust. The description is a little vague; when I was a kid, I thought that it was the stat booster for WIT. But no, that "permanent" there means it isn't consumed when used. What it does is a little more interesting.
It bumps the target ahead on the IP gauge, essentially giving up the user's turn to give the target another.
+2 strength and wit. Feena knows what's up.
As does Justin. Shockwave is just like Sue's Round Whacker, only with a larger area, and likely to do more damage due to Justin's higher attack.
Also, it's blue.
Anyway, those beetles have a few more interesting things. First off is Wing Sonar, a weak AoE attack.
Secondly, they can inflict Magic Block.
And thirdly, they're immune to magic.
Also, they drop both move break and magic break scrolls.
Anyway, some more interesting loot between mopping up the monsters. We'll be voting on that at the end of this whole section.

: Then I have no choice. Now, you all must drink some of that nectar.

: Huh? Drink the nectar?!

: Once the nectar enters your mouths the God of Light will accept you as one of us. You could just put the jar to your lips without really drinking. It's the symbolism, that's all. Or you could simply be on your way. We wouldn't mind at all, you know.

: Hmm. Let's just pretend to drink it. Like this?

: Yes, the God of Light now regards you as one of us. However....
This guy doesn't know Justin at all, does he?

: What's going on here? Unreasonable ideas?

: I heard from Rem that you want to cross the End of the World. To do that, you have to get out of the Misty Forest, endless though it seems.

: That's right. Doesn't the "mist-clearing nut" work for that? We would need something like that.

: Hmm. Those nuts are very valuable. We've only got a few in the village. They can't be given away so easily.
So then how did Rem get one? He didn't leave town the the Chief's blessing, that's for sure.

: Take my friendly advice and do not attempt the crossing.

: Man, how stingy! Now all we're hearing is "please quit, please don't do it!"

: Young man with the rude mouth, we are not being stingy. The mist-clearing nuts are vitally important to us as residents of the Misty Forest. They are treasures that our ancestors received from the Icarians.

: The Icarians, he said? You mean the Icarians from the Angelou legend?

: Sir, do you mean that Angelou legends are told here in Luc? Please, we want to hear them all!

: Oh! Well... I suppose it couldn't hurt to tell them. It'll take a while, though.

Once upon a time things were good, then shit happened the end.
... Oh, fine.

: The Icarians were protected, they did not suffer old age or illness. It was a peaceful world, they say. Then, our ancestors stole the wings of the Icarians because they wanted to be Icarians, too. But this was not a natural thing for people who had never had wings. And when those wings were attached to the backs of our ancestors, they turned black and blocked the sun from this village. Plants died first, then animals. We almost lost our light of hope! What a horrible time that was!

: That wall... that's the End of the World?

: Yes. The wall meant that our ancestors were left with the world that remained on this side of the wall. The Icarians were nice enough to toss our ancestors some special nuts which can remove the darkness. Although the darkness was replaced by mist, we've since used these "mist-clearing nuts" to light our way in the forest. Without the "mist-clearing nuts" even we Luc folk would not be able to go through the Misty Forest.

: Wow... you got the nuts from the Icarians...? Now I want one even more....

: So, what happened to the world on the other side of the wall?

Because nothing bad happens ever, anywhere. They say that when we die, our souls return to the other side, to the ancient land of happiness.

: Hmm... what a mysterious legend....

: So, are you folks really serious about climbing that wall? Please take my advice and don't do it. No one has ever returned from there. Please rest, at least for today. You may stay at Rem's house. Rem's parents would like to thank you for rescuing their son.

: I'm dead tired. How about you, Justin?

: Hmm... yeah. Anyway, let's rest up today!

: After all you've done for Rem, the least we can do is offer you a meal and a place to stay tonight. OK?
We all know what dinner means.

: Good, you should eat to help get back your strength for traveling. I've fixed a nice big meal as a token of my gratitude for rescuing Rem.

: Oh boy! My Mom's cooking is THE BEST!
Wait, where'd Rem's family go?

: That Village Chief is so pessimistic. Huh, Feena?

: Yeah, he certainly wasn't supportive of what we're doing, but... he must think about his own position. He can't help bearing the final responsibility. We should be thankful that he let us stay in his village.

: But we're not equipped to cross through the Misty Forest. What could we do?

: OK, Puffy! Don't get so excited! It's all right. Here, you can have some too. I understand why Puffy makes such a fuss. Rem's mother cooks up some deeeee-licious food! ♥ I just looove this pie! It reminds me of Aunt Lilly's cooking. Eh, Justin?

: Puuuufff-choooo!

: Yaaah, what're you doing, Puffy? You know better than to sneeze when your mouth is full! Really!

: Puffy's got a runny nose now. Maybe he caught a chill in that mist.

: Don't ever sneeze when your mouth is full. OK, Puffy?

: Puuuufff-choooo!

: That mist in the Misty Forest has made our clothing all wet. I can't wait to take a hot bath.

: Sure, I'll join you, Feena. But no peeking, Justin! ♥
Feena has one hell of a poker face.

: Huh?!! Um, well, if....
And that's the end of dinner. See you next time!

Maces: +3

Bows: +2

Whips: +2, Water: +1